maandag 24 januari 2011

Stop What You’re Doing And Watch The Hell Out Of This of...

via The Daily What on 1/21/11

Stop What You’re Doing And Watch The Hell Out Of This of the Day: The highly anticipated Half-Life-inspired fan-made film Beyond Black Mesa has finally been released in full.

The short, which was produced over the course of two years with a ludicrous budget of $1,200, follows Adrian Shephard “and a band of resistance fighters struggling to get out a warning about the impending invasion.”

Director Brian Curtin adds:

This film is not HL,HL2 or Opposing Forces. It’s a short fan film that takes place in the Half-Life world. Also, as a completely independent film, we wanted to have a creative voice in the movie and make it a movie that we would enjoy shooting. We took artistic freedoms and liberties, unfortunately most of those decisions were determined by our limited resources.


Posted via email from madonis's posterous

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